Insightful tidbits. Insightful Marshall.
Recently, I had tea w/ Marshall Kirkpatrick (@marshallk) of ReadWriteWeb at Portland’s own tea shop, Townshend’s. We discussed a variety of topics, from current projects to startup resources. Note: if you’re in or visiting Portland and love tea, Townshend’s is a delight.
I mentioned to Marshall the challenges of building, fine-tuning, iterating & then building our business–from startup life to raising 3 very young children. During the course of our conversation he demonstrated an app he’d put together for his friend that streams the top 50 design/graphic design blogs. He also introduced me to several resources including FancyHands, MechanicalTurk, NeedleBase, Skitch, EveryBlock, HeatMap, UserPlane, and WidgetBox (I had already been using Fiverr) to help work more effectively–which I’m planning on supporting & utilizing. We both studied Political Science–he at our rival UO and I at OSU. Marshall is a phenomenal & gifted writer. Insightful.
Put simply. I was blown away–from his knowledge of technology to the politics of the day. Someone you should follow and if you ever have the opportunity to learn, share & contribute, do.