Earlier this last week, Jack Dorsey/@jack, the founder of Twitter, launched his newest venture called Square. The shirt-pocket sized device plugs into an iPhone (more smartphones in the future) transforming everyone equipped with both to securely take card over cash or checks. Square eliminates paper receipts, buyers can get it emailed. From Apple employees to folks on Craigslist, Square is the enabler for card holders. Can you imagine every small business, taquera, Mexican swap meet, mobile food vendor, conference and event management organizer, charity events, political campaigns having one of these? I often find myself without cash and unable to buy tacos at a taqueria, or at a political fundraiser that has no payment system aside from cash or check. I could see this working to enable more non-profits and community-based organizations to flourish. More small businesses to flourish. And, expediting the point-of-sale. Congrats again to the Square Team! -David Molina/@davidcmolina

Originally posted on Posterous